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Answers to your questions

  • Do you take credit cards?
    Yes we take all forms of payment which include Visa, Mastercard, Apple, Google, Samsung ect... Their is a processing fee for all electronic transactions of 2.6% No transaction fee for cash payments
  • How long is your course?
    Our training is currently 45 days or 80 hours but we will work with everyone and will not enforce the hours within reason. Everyone also learns differently and might not need to use all hour or may need more hours than in the contract.
  • When can i sign up?
    Everyone is welcome to sign up as soon as they have at least half the payment. We are also only allowing a certain amount of students per class and will be training according to their DMV appointment date.
  • What if Im not ready for my behind the wheel exam?
    We will be mock testing everyone proir to going to the dmv to ensure all students readiness. We are also state certified and know excalty what the dmv is looking for during your dmv behind the wheel test, so rest asured CDL Basic Training will take care of you.
  • What if i have a lot of questions before i decide to sign up?
    Please feel free to contact us as soon as you are ready. We are always available to answer your questions.
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